Five reasons to embrace the magic of live performance - by Sean Kenny, Events and Programming Development Manager

Sean Kenny has worked for VillaGaiety in various roles for 16 years, having graduated from Lancaster University with a BA Hons in English Literature in 2006.  He has been in his current post since 2017 and is responsible for developing a varied programme of events and entertainment. 

Here, Sean discusses why we should all embrace the magic of live performance. 


The importance of being present has been at the forefront of my mind of late. So many of us (myself included) are engrossed by our screens. Our default is to connect with experiences digitally in our homes but in doing so, we disconnect from our surroundings and only have a one dimensional experience. By comparison, live performances provide unique, timeless and immersive experiences - all that’s required is our presence and engagement.

I’ve read a lot about the benefits of live theatre, gigs and performances and their value in the lives of performers and audiences alike. There’s so much discourse around how we can help maintain our mental health and well-being and yet, the benefits of engaging with and experiencing live performances remain seriously underrated.

So, here’s my best shot at sharing why we all need to make time to appreciate and engage with what’s right here on our doorstep at VillaGaiety and wider Culture Division.

  1. Connecting with human experience:

Whether it’s a play / musical in the Gaiety Theatre or high energy gig in the Royal Hall - storytelling is at the heart of live performance. Performers bring to life universal and timeless themes from love, joy and hope to fear and despair. Sharing that experience with the performer and the audience can be profound, cathartic and often euphoric. The experience connects us as humans and individual engagement is key to the audience’s enjoyment and that of the performers too who often thrive off the audience vibe.

  1. Laughter - one of the best medicines for the mind:

I’ve watched countless live comedy shows packed with punch lines, and whilst some are funnier than others depending on personal taste, there is something about collective laughter - it really is infectious. As studies have proven, laughing releases ‘good’ endorphins which have a positive effect on the mind. Not only that, laughing with others is one of the best sources for social bonding.

  1. There’s no place like a show:

There is no other feeling like watching an act you love, up close and personal in the intimate setting of the Royal Hall. Singing and dancing to songs you love alongside people from all different walks of life who are united by their appreciation of the artist is truly unique and gratifying. No two performances are the same, each performance is unique each time it happens and the atmosphere can’t ever be replicated. These components make for unrivalled and transformative experiences that are incomparable.

  1. Soaking up your surroundings:

Whether it’s the opulence of the Gaiety or the grandeur of the Royal Hall - audiences are often awestruck and mesmerised by the beauty of our buildings. Each space has its own countless stories to tell and audiences really are lucky to be able to experience a variety of live entertainment in iconic venues that are steeped in history and culture.

  1. Time flies when you’re having fun:

A cliché but with some live performances, time does fly.  Audiences in the Gaiety are often so captivated by a play or musical’s 60 minute first half, it can feel like mere minutes have passed until the curtain falls on Act One. Equally, watching a dynamic, charismatic act command the Royal Hall stage for 90 minutes may feel like 30 minutes when audiences are actively participating in the performance, left wanting more as the encore comes to a close.

To sum up, live performances are a vibrant, living art form that enrich our lives in a myriad of ways. Many performances transcend time giving audiences an insight into the human experience whilst simultaneously reminding us of the power of creativity and imagination, a sentiment lost amidst the fast paced nature of modern life. So, if you are yet to experience the magic of live theatre or a gig, or have just not found the time to attend something recently - I urge you to make the time. Live performances are freeing and offer us an escape from the realities of life, we all deserve that break once in a while.


Picture credit: Top right Vannin Photos 

From left to right: Vannin Photos x 2 and Pics by Corraste

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